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Meet Dava

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Acupuncturist, Medical Qigong Practitioner, Zero Balancer, Therapeutic Massage Therapist and Teacher, Dava Michelson practices in Miami Beach, Florida. She is on the faculty of Academy for Five Element Acupuncture and was a clinical supervisor in their student clinic.


Dava received her Masters of Acupuncture degree from Academy of Five Element Acupuncture in Hallandale, Florida in 2001, and her Doctorate in Medical Qigong (specialty in Oncology) from the International College of Medical Qigong, Palm Springs California, the Overseas College of Henan University, China in 2009. She is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and holds a current acupuncture license in the State of Florida.


Prior to becoming an acupuncturist Dava was a licensed Massage Therapist and taught at Educating Hands School of Massage. She received her BFA in painting and printmaking from Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, and has many stories to tell!





About the logo

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My logo is a combination of two ideograms; the top is the character “to give birth”, and the bottom one is the “heart”.


Together, giving birth to the heart, returning to our original nature and connection to what is divine within us.

A Deep Bow

traditional Chinese painting featuring two figures, one holding a staff and the other with a wide brimmed hat

I offer a deep bow of honor and gratitude to all, too numerous

to mention here. Some of my most profound experiences and

learning have been with these people and schools:


(in order of appearance, mostly!)



Toshio Odate

My  first art teacher at 12 years old in the Brooklyn Museum Art School, who taught me how to see with my hands and feel with my eyes, and thus how to feel and connect with all of nature. Although I didn’t know the words for this at the time, he opened up my first window into seeing the spirit in all things. His book is a great gift: “Japanese Woodworking Tools, Their Tradition, Spirit and Use”



Antioch College

Creativity, collaboration, passion, activism, self determination, exploration, hope, vision, love, inspiration and wonder, courage…. Yes! An amazing five years!



Allan Jones

My art teacher and mentor in college. The thing that so distinguished Allan as a great teacher was that he looked at each student as an individual, was able to see into them, connect to their vision and talent and guide them from there. It’s interesting for me to make this connection now: for this is exactly what a good healer does.



Bobby Golden and Sam Dworkis

Studying Iyengar Yoga with great teachers  brought me my first experience of listening deeply into my body, discovering the interface of structure and energy.



Educating Hands School of Massage

The entry gate for me into the world of alternative healing.



Academy for Five Element Acupuncture (AFEA)

What I so love about AFEA is the equal emphasis placed on studying from Nature and written texts; developing and honing oneself mentally and energetically; expanding the receptivity of our senses as well as intellect; honoring the ancestors of our tradition, respecting the wisdom of the Classical texts along with openness and receptivity. I am so honored to be part of it’s extraordinary faculty and staff.



J.R. Worsley

Founded the first schools in Classical Five Element Acupuncture in England and the U.S.A.



Thea Elijah

Who made the medicine come alive with her extraordinary vision & heart.



Fritz Frederick Smith, M.D.

Founder of Zero Balancing. How does West meet East in the body? How does structure and energy meet and interface in the body? These are the questions Fritz answered so eloquently in creating ZB, leaning in, with such an umbrella of kindness.



Jerry Alan Johnson, DMQ, Ph.D., D.T.C.M. (China)

Founder of the International Institute of Medical Qigong and author of the definitive five volume texts: “Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy”.



Bernard Shannon, DMQ (China)

Executive Director of the International College of Medical Qigong, founder and Abbott of the Temple of Peace and Virtue in Palm Desert, Ca., and founder of Inner Radiance Qigong. To find a teacher with such extraordinary knowledge, skill, integrity and heart is a rare gift. 



Abbott Zhang Ming Xin, Qing Cheng Shan, Si Chuan Province, China

Who helped me find the silence.



and, most deeply,



My Parents

My mom Vivian Michelson, who saw the world through her vibrant heart and taught me to see the beauty, always; and my dad Solomon Michelson, who had the discerning eye and integrity of a true “Shokunin” or Craftsman.



Miah Ariel Jones

My greatest teacher and inspiration of all, my daughter.



My Clients and Students

I am so touched by the beauty and courage, vulnerability and strength, the profound and the tender, the deep and the funny, wisdom and innocence, pain and joy. I have learned and been enriched by each of you, and I thank you for your trust in me.







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