I offer you these links to resources that might be of interest or help to you on your journey. From time to time I will update the list, so check back!
Website Acknowledgments
with deep gratitude:
Schools &
Teachers &
Miah Ariel: for the website design, in beauty and in function.
China Online Museum: for the wonderful resource on Chinese art and culture, and permission to use their art images.
Shambhala Publications: for permission to reprint excerpt from Tales of the Taoist Immortals, by Eva Wong.
Make a Difference
The Environment, Food, & Health
Earth Rose Institute: Environment, women’s, and children’s health.
Michael Pollan: author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma, In Defense of Food, The Botany of Desire, and more.
Arthur Michelson: author of Movement for Life: A Synthesis of Eastern & Western Approaches for Every Body
Pachamama Alliance: empowering indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest; education and inspiration for a sustainable world.
TED Talks: fabulous resource of mini lectures from experts all over the world on a broad range of topics:
The Environmental Working Group: information, tools and resources regarding the environment and public health, including reports on cell phone radiation, cosmetic safety database, national water database, sunscreen safety guide, shopper’s guide to pesticides in produce, hidden chemicals in perfumes.
Seed Directory: Seed Savers, Seed Exchanges, & Seed Societies
Native Seeds: conserving and distributing the biodiversity of seeds in the Southwest.
Other Resources
Practical Books
Stephen Cowan: Fire Child - Water Child: How Understanding The Five Types of ADHD Helps Improve Your Child’s Self-Esteem and Attention
Paul Pitchford: Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition
Gary Dolowich, M.D: Archetypal Acupuncture: Healing with the Five Elements
Jo Robinson: Eating on the Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health
on understanding and incorporating the wisdom of Five Element traditions into your life:
while you search, explore, & shop:
Local Harvest: find local farmers, CSAs, and gardening classes.
Amazon Smile: donates a portion of the profits from your purchase to a cause of your choice, when you check out at smile.amazon.com.
Ecosia: a web search engine, available as an extension on Safari and Google, that uses it's profits to plant trees around the world.